About This Site

Essentially, this Site will serve as a combination of things. It will allow those who are interested to follow the course of the Unified Terran Community short story project and will function as a working notebook for me.  The site will comprise of early drafts of stories and the background notes for the setting itself.  Samples will be posted in due course, as they are written. In the future there will hopefully be illustrations produced to compliment the stories. A link to these upcoming pictures will be provided when available.  It is my hope that people will not be put off by the rawness of the initial drafts and will appreciate the evolution of the story arc as it unfolds and is revised.  If not, well, you can’t have everything  😉   In the meantime, you can follow me on twitter [MrMcBlonde] or contact me by email at   unifiedterrancommunity@gmail.com   Look forward to hearing from you!

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