16th July 2009

Well, here we are again.ย  I’m taking a small break from writing ‘The High Watchtower’ and noticed I hadn’t done a Blog entry for a while, so I thought it might make a nice change of pace.ย  In addition to the forthcoming story, there are a couple of other things on the boil at the Community that I thought you might be interested in hearing about.ย  Firstly, the UTC website will soon feature its very own Mnemosyne Device.ย  Thats right folks, soon you will be able to discover your first incarnation and also how that particular incarnation came to an end.ย  As with the stories, Newsletter subscibers will have a 24 hour preview period to make use of before the Device is displayed for general use.ย  There’s another couple of book reviews, ‘Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang’ by Kate Wilhelm and ‘Concrete Island’ by J.G. Ballard, the first one has cloning as one of its themes (and incest, but more of that later..), while the second, well, if ‘Robinson Crusoe’ was a grim urban nightmare, this would be it.ย  I hope that made sense.ย  There will also be another background article to preceed ‘The High Watchtower’.ย  It will be in a similar vein to the one before it, and will contain further hints of things to come.ย  Anyway, stuff to do and so on, so after gently reminding you about the newsletter again I will bid you farewell!ย  Hope to see you soon!


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